Wednesday, February 22, 2006

It's mid week, mid morning and my game is moving in my favor.
I'm watching the line on Clips, playing back to back road game with a shuttle to Houston from Dallas.
Rockets throttled on Clips at Staples before the All Star break, then Rockets laid an egg at Phoenix. I will say T-Mac looks very much in the mid season form, but I feel Van Gundy does not want to shoulder all the weight on Tracy and Alston will be the key to diverting plays.
The front court is formidable and Swift is very good off the bench, but the low post is stronger playing half court grinder which they failed to do in Phoenix, even going small at times in failing effort for speed.
Clips almost broke Mavs win streak last night. Late game stops by Clips were impressive and cashed for ATS & UNDER backers. Clips strength is also the low post maybe not quite the Rockets level, but experienced ball handlers are supposed to make up for that.
This is a big revenge game and they got out boarded badly.
Waiting for my spot to get this one.

Sorry, missed all the games tonight. Clips got it close enough for ATS win, but scoring was high. I'll move on to Thursday.

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