With the anticipation Over expression reversing today I see the match up in the valley of the Suns against the visiting Spurs.
Spurs had their win streak snapped by the Clippers in their continuing trouble on the 2nd of B2B. Popovich raised his white flag when he pulled his regulars with minute and half remaining, typical of Pops to let the starters watch from the bench as Clips closed out with 14 point lead, Spurs lacked energy as they were heavily outboarded 28 to 40 and outshot 44.2% to 52.1%, looked like Clips beat Spurs at their own game. That's a strong likelihood of Spurs defense stepping up today.
Suns made the incredible rally to take the game against the Hornets without Nash for most of the game, but ended the streak of 5 Overs in dramatic fashion, -21 points Under the total.
I guess the public doesn't see that as any significance, but I see that as a sign.
The Total moved to 201 and I could buy it up to 202.5.
I'll watch this a bit.
Money is moving Under 98 1st Half, I don't know if 201 will improve any further. I'm taking position with 1.5 point buy.
SAS/PHO UNDER 202.5 -123 for 1 unit(L)
Oh my god, 67 point 1st quarter. Unless there is an single digit quarter this play is dead. 2nd Half Under anyone?
Denver at Sixers just coming to close of 1st Half.
This is a set up for 2nd Half Over.
DEN/PHL 2nd Half OVER 102.5 -109 for 1 unit(L)
I needed that Krover lay up to go in and OT.
0-2 -2.32 units
The game looks interesting, but I'm asleep..
I'm following your pick with low bet. Good luck Clutch!
Got in at a good spot, total dropped back -0.5 to 200.5
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