Saturday, April 28, 2007

NBA Playoff Saturday

Will Detroit take it all in Orlando? It certainly appears so and Public is heavy on Detroit and Over.
I kind of like Pistons myself and think they will pull away in the 2nd half. But what really caught my interest is the Total 182.5~183 with money pushing the Over.
The teams have matched up Over, but I see the Over trend as a bias when the games are played in Detroit not in Orlando. Magic at home are 14-27-1 O/U with Pistons on road 15-27-0 O/U and the Books opened the line at 181. This is the last chance for Orlando Magic they will tighten up, attack the glass and scores will not come cheap.

Waiting for the number to settle down, but 183 or higher looks like a good Under.

Got caught up in Baseball got lucky and missed the losing Under wager, but also missed another play I was considering Houston at Utah Under 185 so I'll try again tomorrow.

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