Saturday, November 05, 2005

Taking the Starters rested Clips in the Second Half of the Late Game Saturday Night.

LAC -2 2nd Half +102 1unit(L)
What a disappointment. Clips go cold in the 4th qt and allow the Wolves back in the game. Clips takes the coin flip win in OT, but not enough to cover ATS.
KG is a stud. Minny was losing the game in every way, inside, outside, rebound and yet they find the will to come back.

My Overnight position for Sunday. It was the eve before the revenge.
Look for the Nuggets to excel their vertical game at Staples Center.

DENVER -1 -112 for 5 units(L)

I return to find money is free flowing into Lakers and in a rare move the line has moved against me to go to PICK for this game.
You can second guess me, I'm not as hot as I was 2 days ago....Maybe this is the so called "Trap"
For those with these concerns There are no Traps.
Lakers are a big market team in a deep pocket city playing on a Sunday with intoxicated football betters. I should of thought about that last night.
This Nuggets team with good game plan has big advantage on the boards, that should equal high percentage scoring opportunity. I'm tempted to press my wager, but this is big as I will place and must practice discipline.

That was humbling. Lakers crushed the Nuggets wire to wire beating them on the board.....I would not of guessed Chris Mihm would cause so much damage in the post.
Taking my largest single position in one sided loss.
I will look ahead as the whole week was positive.


Batis84 said...

5 units on Denver?!! Are you kidding?!
It's your first enormous pick on the blog. Good luck Clutch, but you underestimate Lakers.

Clutch said...

Phoenix was 5 units too.
I just broke it up into 3 positions, but if you look at that selection it was Suns to win ATS.

If I could take it back I'd break up todays Denver pick too with much better line and price, but still take Nuggets to win ATS.

Clutch said...

And my last Denver pick 1st qt & 1st Half = 5 units

2 examples of break up.
Do you see advantage?
Denver against Porland was wire to wire win ATS.
Phoenix against Utah was Suns 2nd half to win ATS.